Shipping is free WORLDWIDE on Paid items + We also offer Express Handled Shipping For a Nominal Price on paid items.
But for Free Items, customers have to cover shipping (depending on the product) as we are giving the product for free already.
If you have a multi-item order, each item may be shipped from a different international warehouse, depending on which one has them available the fastest. Alternatively, if an item is popular and on a bit of a backorder, we might ship your items at different times, in different packages, to prevent holding up your order and to get it to you as fast as possible!
Orders are shipped out directly from any of our many domestic & international warehouses and they will do everything they can to get you your order as fast as they can! Please allow an estimated 1-2 weeks for your order to arrive in the USA (varies from product to product). Other countries can take an estimated 1-4 weeks (varies from product to product) due to distance traveling and customs.
All of our orders are sent with insured shipping and handling. If an order gets stuck at customs, sent back, or even lost during the delivery process, we apologize! The postal service is out of our control. However, in cases like this, you can see our Refund And Resent Policy for full information.
The prices displayed on our site are tax-free in USD, which means you may be liable to pay for duties and taxes once you receive your order. Import taxes, duties, and related customs fees may be charged once your order arrives at its final destination, which is determined by your local customs office. Payment of these charges and taxes is your responsibility and will not be covered by us. We are not responsible for delays caused by the customs department in your country. For further details of the charges, please contact your local customs office. And if we, ship your order from your country’s domestic warehouse then we will not charge any extra money on any of these duties!
Notice: There are certain delays on all carriers due to the global pandemic of COVID-19 (aka coronavirus). However, We are working around the clock with our shipping partners to ensure that your order reaches you as soon as possible. These times are certainly challenging but we hope we’ll get through this temporary phase soon and keep delighting you with our best service possible. We are sincerely thankful for your continued support and business.
J***k –
Chegou rápido. Boa lixeira. Tamanho ideal para o que preciso.
O***j –
M***f –
Didn’t receive it
Z***g –
Vino todo rayado, se ve horrible….vino mal el embalaje….no lo compren…
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H***u –
Es hermoso pero muy pequeño
M***q –
Produto de qualidade, igual ao descrito nas fotos.
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J***s –
meu sonho, amei o produto
Y***s –
livraison rapide, l’état très bon, la couleur de l’article n’est pas conforme à la demande
L***s –
muito tope
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B***y –
empresa sem compromisso , preferiu cancelar minha compra
P***o –
קטן מאוד ולא כמו שמפרסמים
Q***f –
Buena calidad, pero me llego en blanco no gris como lo pedí
P***z –
perfeito! Excelente produto
C***k –
Excelente produto! Gostei demais
G***m –
The product did not reach me well because one of the products was not well wrapped and they did not put it in the designated carton like the second product, which led to the deviation of the edges of the support as shown in the picture, and since the delivery time is very long, it took a month compared to the rest of the products, it reaches me within a week, and the product is very small and does not It fulfills the purpose, despite its very high price. I do not recommend buying it. There are other boxes with higher specifications, excellent quality, and a lower price.
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Y***y –
hola informo que el producto llegó bien pero con la tapa de otro color. y el sistema aún indica que está en viaje para llegar a chile.
F***e –
Poor package. Got damages during transportation. Item quality is poor, sometime trash opens randomly
N***z –
Muchas gracias, el producto bien embalado y todo muy bien, muchas gracias gracias por todo excelente muchas gracias gracias por todo excelente muchas gracias gracias por todo excelente muchas gracias gracias por todo excelente muchas gracias gracias por todo excelente muchas gracias gracias
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D***h –
“Recomendo todos alExpress muito bom e de qualidade chegou hoje horário 17:00
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V***f –
Viskas puikiai,veikianti;)
X***l –
dentro de todo los producto que solicite ninguno quedó pendiente y muy buena recepción así que recomiendo comprar por este medio
T***o –
Excelente producto comodidad absoluta
J***p –
Très bon article
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Y***p –
Não recebi o produto, deu como endereço incompleto, mas sempre recebo produtos da Aliexpress sem problema em casa. Tive que ir nos Correios pegar a encomenda, que chegou depois do prazo estipulado e ainda tive que descobrir o rastreamento para localizar onde buscar a encomenda, difícil…
W***a –
Compre uno antes y salio super bien, pero este hace un ruido extraño al cerrar la tapa.
X***d –
estoy feliz súper lo recomiendo
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I***r –
그냥저냥 쓸만함
S***r –
maravilhoso! ameiii
veio no prazo,bem embalado exatamente como anunciado
Q***t –
ótimo produto recomendo
veio super rápido
G***q –
no es lo que dice en su descricion, yo necesitqba un basurero para el baño de 14 a 16 litros y el que me llego fue de unos 5 litros y ademas muy caro mejor lo ubiese compraño aqui en mi pais
L***u –
Único defeito é que é barulhento
H***n –
otimo produto
Q***s –
vale pa pura mierda, ni sirvio y ni devolución me hicieron no recomiendo comprar, he perdido puro dinero con Aliexpress
Z***x –
promete o que estar escrito
V***u –
funcionando perfeitamente, não tive nenhum problema com o uso.
A***p –
كثير عملي
الجودة ممتازة للسعر
بنصح باستعماله
انتبهوا للحجم انا كنت حابه حجم صغير لهيك ما عندي مشكلة
الي بده حجم كبير او وسط ما بلايمه
U***v –
es un poco pequeño, debo pedir el más grande
B***z –
o vendedor esqueceu de colocar os números no meu endereço
e por isso ouve muita demora para entrega
N***v –
P***k –
البائع مخادع يقوم بتزويد مقاس اقل من المطلوب لقد طلبت ١٦ لتر وصلني ١٢ لتر
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F***g –
Llego en mal estado no se puede poner la tapa, comentan que es recargable pero no es verdad es de pilas. Solicite la devolución de mi dinero pero hasta el momento no me han contestado
C***f –
bonjour merci pour l’envoi qui était relativement rapide en quelques jours et je tiens à préciser que l’article correspond à la description du vendeur préciser merci infiniment et bonne continuation bonne journée
P***x –
llegó antes de la fecha ,todo bien muy conforme con el producto. todavía no probé el funcionamiento.
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C***g –
gostei muito esta funcionando normalmente pena que fui taxado pela alfandega ai produto ficou muito caro
W***o –
muito bom e prático , recomendo vendedor veio tudo certo
E***h –
foi tudo ótimo, só a embalagem não estava boa, pouco protegida ocasionando leves defeitos no visual do lixo
X***e –
all good
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H***p –
Esta muy practico y muy bonito.
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Y***r –
Bonjour toujours pas reçu ma commande 🥵
N***w –
very very nice